
07 July 2023

Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

Jakarta (6/7) – The lively atmosphere filled with children's excitement took place in the lobby of PT SOHO Industri Pharmasi, Jl Pulogadung No.6. The sound of children aged 5-8 could be heard, enlivening the Junior Scientists 2023 event. Some were busy playing, singing songs, taking photos with the Junior Scientists backdrop, and joking around while waiting for the event to begin at exactly 9:00.

On July 5, 2023, SOHO once again held the Junior Scientists event as part of PT SOHO Global Health Tbk's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. A similar event was first organized in 2019 but could not be held throughout the pandemic in 2020-2022. The event on July 5, 2023, marked the comeback of Junior Scientists, which had been eagerly awaited, and was intended to fill children's school holidays with beneficial activities. The opportunity to participate was dedicated to the children of SOHO employees. The enthusiasm of SOHO employees for this program was evident through the high number of registrations, and as a result, the event was attended by 36 participants divided into 6 groups.

This annual program aims to provide education about the world of science in a fun and entertaining manner (edutainment). "We hope that children will experience firsthand how exciting science can be through various thrilling experiments and observations in the laboratory," said Dr. Raphael Aswin, VP of R&D and Medical Affairs at SOHO Global Health, in his speech that also marked the opening of the Junior Scientists event.
 The event continued with a series of exciting activities in the R&D lab, starting with a lab tour session where children wore lab coats and observed the process of producing Fitkom tablets. Then, the activities proceeded to the Sensory Lab, where children were introduced to various tastes and colors by the patient and knowledgeable senior scientists who guided the highly curious children.

During the break between the lab and non-lab sessions, snack time was provided along with Curcuma Plus milk, which turned out to be highly popular among the children due to its delicious taste. After satisfying their hunger, the children continued with equally exciting non-lab activities. The activities included "Curcuma Plus syrup in the making," "Dino toothpaste," and "lava lamp," which were all conducted in a fun and engaging manner. Science is truly FUN!

Early science education is indeed crucial. By providing children with science education at an early age, we can instill a curious mindset in them, which will contribute to the development of innovative and smart generations in the future. The children proudly took home their own homemade Curcuma Plus syrup, reflecting their sense of accomplishment. They were also provided with bento lunch boxes, goodie bags containing various SOHO products, lab coats with the Junior Scientists logo, Curcuma Plus pins, and super cool Junior Scientists medals. We look forward to the next exciting Junior Scientists event with amazing children who make us all proud. See ya!

  • Annual Reports
  • Magazine

Annual Report 2019

SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.

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